What spending a night in freezing cold on the street with the homeless taught me.
That incident taught me much more than many books.
Last year, I left my house for a day after I had a heated argument with my Dad. I vividly remember the night I left the house thinking that I will never return to my house until and unless I get a job. That night, it was that sort of freezing cold that can make one’s spine numb.
I had only $10 in my pocket, with this meager amount of money I couldn’t even afford to stay in a hotel. So, I decided to head to one of my friend’s house, he lives 2000 miles away from where I live. To go to his place, I had to go to the railway station and had to book a rail ticket, which I couldn’t afford to buy. I couldn’t even afford to book a cab to the railway station, which is 20 miles from my house, So, I decided to walk to the railway station. Believe me, in that freezing cold trudging to the railway station felt as if I am trekking colossal Mount Everest. I walked 20 miles and reached the railway station at night. All the trains to my destination had departed by the time I reached the railway station. I had no option other than to wait at the railway station.
Since I couldn’t afford a hotel room, I was forced to spend my night on the street. That night, the temperature was below 3 degree Celsius, but it felt as if I am experiencing the world’s coldest temperature ever. I was shivering and I was hungry but because of insufficient funds, I decided to remain hungry. Being born in a middle-class family, I never slept hungry in my entire life. That day, I realized what it feels like to sleep hungry on the street in the freezing cold.
A homeless stranger came up to me and offered his blanket to me and he also offered some leftover food, which I denied. I asked this man, where does he get money to buy food, he replied that he begs. I wasn’t able to fathom the fact that despite uncertainty about his next meal, he was willing to help me. Earlier, I used to think that all the people in this universe are driven by selfishness. That incident changed my perspective of human beings.
That day, I realized why destitute or beggars drink cigarettes or alcohol with the money they collect from begging people, I realized why they choose to indulge themselves in these indecencies rather than saving their money for the future. When you are facing these vexing problems, you’d choose to do the same fucking things, having a cigarette to escape reality makes fucking sense.
Before that day, I didn’t know the value of a penny. That day, I realized the worth of a penny. Earlier, I used to squander my money on trifling activities, I realized how important it is to save money. Trust me, when you haven’t had anything in 2 days and you don’t have money to buy food, you will realize the value of a penny. I learned the value of money the hard way.
That day, I also realized why some people steal, I am not justifying that stealing is good by any chance. I realized some people don’t have any skills which can provide them earning opportunity. Some people don’t have any skill to get a decent job, maybe because of their upbringing or they had squandered the time when they could have built any sorts of skills. That day I realized, If I don’t want to land in the same position, I better fucking work my ass off to build any skills.
While growing up, I used to complain a lot about my fate that I was born in a middle-class family in India. That effing night provoked a sense of gratitude inside me that I didn’t face any difficulties while growing up. My mother and father have always been wonderful parents to me. They have worked hard to provide a stable foundation for my life and future.
That night provoked a sense of empathy inside me, now, whenever I meet a destitute or homeless person, I make sure to treat them with kindness. I started donating funds to NGOs. I started valuing money. I started showing my gratitude to people whom I love. I started helping whoever I can help.
I want to end this article with a quote.
Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of others. Step forward, reach out and help. This week reach to someone that might need a lift.